Cataclysm Classic Worgen Leveling

Cataclysm Classic Worgen Leveling
Estimated time for boost: 2 days
Estimated time for boost: 2 days

Want to check out this new race in Cataclysm Classic, but are too busy with your main character and endgame preparations to level a new one or simply don’t want to waste your time leveling in general? Cataclysm Classic Worgen level boost is a perfect solution to all these problems. Our professional players will use the shortest routes to ensure that your Worgen is leveled as quickly and efficiently as possible. Cata Classic worgen level boosting will save you dozens of hours and allow you to jump straight into the endgame with this new race.

Start time: ~15-30 | Boost takes: flexible
Boost includes
  1. Your desired level for a Worgen character.
  2. 100% done manually via questing, killing mobs, and clearing dungeons.
  3. Live stream of the boost (please make sure to request it before the boost starts).
  4. All the gold, items, and resources gathered during the boost.
  5. VPN security for additional protection.
  6. Daily updates on the boosting progress (with a request).
  • this service is piloted;
  • Cataclysm Classic account.
How it Works
  1. Select your current and desired levels for your Worgen.
  2. Our customer service team will contact you within 7 minutes of the purchase.
  3. We will schedule the Cataclysm Classic Worgen leveling at the most convenient time for you.
  4. At the appointed time our player will log in and boost your Worgen to your desired level.
  5. That's it! Enjoy your newly leveled Worgen in Cataclysm Classic!

Cataclysm Classic Worgen Level Boost

There might be many different reasons why you would want to level a Worgen. It might be the race/role fantasy appeal, general aesthetics of the race, or interesting racial abilities. To illustrate the point further, here is the full list of abilities that Worgen start their journey with in Cataclysm Classic.

  1. Aberration: Increases your resistance to harmful Nature and Shadow effects.
  2. Darkflight: Activates your true form, increasing current movement speed by an additional 40% for 10 sec.
  3. Enable Worgen Altered Form: Enables Worgens to switch between human and Worgan forms.
  4. Flayer: Skinning skill increased by 15 and allows you to skin faster.
  5. Running Wild: Drop to all fours to run as fast as a wild animal.
  6. Two Forms: Turn into your currently inactive form.
  7. Viciousness: Increases critical strike chance by 1%.

No matter what reason for rolling a Worgen may be, leveling a new character from scratch will take dozens upon dozens of hours, and not many players can afford to sink that much time into getting to the endgame. This is where our Cata worgen level boost comes into play.

Cataclysm Classic Worgen level boost is perfect for returning players, Classic veterans, and even new people seeking to enter the endgame of this expansion without having to waste their time grinding XP. We will get your Worgen to your desired level using the shortest routes, which means that the service will be completed as quickly as possible. Furthermore, the boost can be scheduled at any convenient time for you. Simply schedule Cataclysm Worgen powerleveling to a time when you are working, studying, or even sleeping, and let us handle everything without interrupting your gameplay for even a moment!

Another reason to get Cata Classic Worgen level boosting is the fact that they feature a starting location that cannot be exited before a specific quest chain is fully completed. If you have already seen this story before, or aren’t interested in storytelling in general, going through this introductory area can be annoying, to say the least. Cataclysm Worgen leveling solves this issue, allowing you to enjoy your character without having to slog through the introductory phase of the game.

If you have any questions about Cataclysm Worgen leveling or want to add something extra to the service – don’t hesitate to reach out to us directly! You can do so via the live chat feature right here on the website, or via Discord. Our customer service team is available 24/7 and is always ready to answer any Cataclysm Classic worgen leveling related questions that you may have. Enhance your gameplay with Boosthive today!